What is the key to a successful data center migration?
And, following these five data center migration steps.
The more your company thinks through every stage in advance of the move, the more successful the migration will be.
Step 1: Develop a Comprehensive Project Plan
Do the prep work ahead of time and map out the migration in detail.
Step 2: Label Every Device With a Unique Designation
This helps everyone involved know at a glance that they are working with the correct device.
Step 3: Port Map Every Cable Connection
Keeping the list clean will ensure that your environment comes up the way it went down.
Step 4: Document Your Environment
A device list keeps everyone and everything in order.
Step 5: Communicate Before, During and After
Keeping everyone up to date is critical for a successful move.
At any time: Call Silverback Data Center Solutions
Keep these data center migration steps in mind.
Whether it’s two racks or two hundred racks, across the street or across the country…
You can trust Silverback Data Center Solutions to Get it Right.